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Hunters Etiquette in the Field

Professional Firearms Specialist Trainers and Providers will:

•        Always communicate with landowners prior to entry even with permission

•        Leave gates as you find them

•        Ask permission to light cooking fires first

•        Keep cooking fires as small as possible

•        Put your fires out properly before leaving

•        Never gather firewood with a chainsaw without landholder’s permission

•        Keep clear of stock routes & Drive on defined tracks

•        Avoid cattle and farm animal interaction

•        Be especially careful with target identification & danger zones if spotlighting

•        Keep away from water troughs

•        Never contaminate stock water with soaps

•        Take your rubbish away with you

•        Ensure the property owner is well aware of your movements

•        If you are successful, offer to share your game with the owner

•        Report any suspicious or unusual events to the owner 

Respect the landowner’s privacy and your permission to use the property

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